Production, Distribution, Exhibition

Production, Distribution, Exhibition

For this week we are doing 3 blog post about 3 different topics. For today I am doing production, distribution, and exhibition. I'll be doing research on it and talk about it on here.


The "big six"

  • Paramount pictures
  • Universal
  • 20th Century Fox
  • Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Walt Disney
  • Columbia Pictures
 Type of Studios

The "indies" are studios that work outside the major studio system are known as "independents" or "indies"

The "mini- majors" are some of the leading "independent" studious have come to be known as "mini majors" these include studies such as DreamWorks, The Weinstein Company, Lions Gate Entertainment. 

A production refers to the making of a film:
  • Finding the idea
  • writing the script
  • Pitching it to a studio
  • setting a budget
  • casting stars and employing a crew
  • filming
  • editing

For films to go into production it needs investors to provide the necessary funding.

Production - Greenlit 

Before directors can start filming a film, the film has to be greenlit. Greenlit and when the funding has been made available by the investors. 


Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. This is normally the task of a professional film distributor, who would determine the marketing strategy for the film, the media by which a film is to be exhibited or made available for viewing, and who may set the release date and other matters. The film may be exhibited directly to the public either through a movie theater or television, or personal home viewing. For commercial projects, film distribution is usually accompanied by film promotion.

Digital Cinema- Distribution

Digital distribution is the delivery (through downloading) of any digital content, including audio, e-books, games, PDFs, pictures, software, and video. 
Digital distribution is handled through a digital distribution platform designed to stream the digital content or allow the content to be downloaded in full.

Release date

Studios make and pre-announce the release date decisions on a weekly basis. Release dates can be announced years in advance. Distributors have to position their films carefully to avoid disastrous clashes.


Exhibition is the retail branch of the film industry. It involves not the production or the distribution of motion pictures, but their public screening, usually for paying customers in a site devoted to such screenings, the movie theater.



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