Film Genres

 Film genres are categories that define a movie based on its narrative elements. Each genre is unique in the types of stories they tell. Genres have changed and evolved over time, creating several subgenres that further define the filmmaking styles. There are 6 movie film genres ill be talking about and they are action, gangster, romantic, comedy, horror, and science fiction.

First I will be explaining how the action genre works. An action film is based around either one person or a group facing challenges, normally involving fights and chases. Action genre shows a story through fights, vehicles, and weapons. Action films can be identified when the protagonist shows violence, close combat, and fast paced fighting. The elements you would see in action includes setting, chase scenes, slow motion shots, and violence. Actions films are sometimes about vengeance or justice. The techniques used for action films are rapid editing, cuts, establishing shot, dramatic up close action, and iconography. Action genre impacts society by having the audience hyped to see explosions and makes the audience want more.

Romance genre stories involve chivalry and often adventure. The prevailing type of story in the romance genre consists of a love relationship between a man and a woman, often from the woman’s point of view. There is always conflict that hinders the relationship, but is resolved to a “happy ending.” Sometimes there are 3 main characters which indicate love triangle. Romance films make the audience feel like no matter the obstacle or how different the 2 people are, love will make it through all the heartbreak.

A gangster film or gangster movie is a film belonging to a genre that focuses on gangs and organized crime. It is a subgenre of crime film, that may involve large criminal organizations, or small gangs formed to perform a certain illegal act. Gangster films are located in urban cities, clubs, bars, and casinos. The props used for these films are guns, knives, cars, and money. The costumes used for a gangster is a suit, hat, cigar, and a long trench coat. In these films there's betrayal, power, evil, and ambition.

Science fiction (sometimes shortened to sci-fi or SF) is
 a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. 
The characters are usually a mysterious villain, lonely/ determined hero, a group of friends who are heroes, and a switch up person. The editing techniques are visual effects, fast shutter speed, forced perspective, wide angle shot/ long angle shot, and strong contrast. The science fiction genre has been called the "literature of ideas", and often explores the potential consequences of scientific, social, and technological innovations.

Comedy is a genre of fiction that consists of discourses or works intended to be humorous or amusing by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, film, stand-up comedy, television, radio, books, or any other entertainment medium. A very popular type of comedy movies is romantic comedy because of its humorous plot lines centered on romantic ideas, such as how true love is able to surmount most obstacles. The audience enjoys watching comedy because it creates joy and happiness to their lives and keeps them entertained.

Horror is a genre of speculative fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, or disgust. Thriller films open with action scenes where we will be introduced to our hero and villain. The suspenseful soundtrack will be played during these scenes. The main character could face death or a loved one to the main character could face death. Specific characters of a horror film are a villain, killer, or lost/ clueless character throughout the film. The horror techniques are loud and frightening music, handheld shot, over the shoulder shots, POV shots, and long shots. Horror can have many settings, it can be a gothic castle, small town, outer space, or haunted house. It can take place in the past, present or future. The audience enjoys watching horror films because its thrilling and interesting. They want excitement in their lives. These people may find what they are looking for in horror movies as it provides them with enough thrill. Moreover, they find it an ideal choice, especially when they are bored.


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